Saturday, March 27, 2010

Sunset Supervisor Chu Against Medical Marijuana

As San Francisco Medical Marijuana Dispensaries try to open and expand, there is still considerable opposition, particularly in the Sunset District, where patients are left having to travel considerable distances to obtain their medication. District Representative Carmen Chu is attempting to spearhead a San Francisco moratorium against new dispensaries.

This is another example of how our elected officials try to pre-empt Californians' constitutional rights to have safe and reliable access to medications. Chu was one of two votes against creation of a medical marijuana advisory board in San Francisco, designed to have consumer, provider, and public input to develop policy to regulate medical marijuana in San Francisco. Without input from those involved in the industry then the policy created will clearly not respect or reflect not only scientific evidence of the medicinal value of cannabis but the significance of reducing criminal justice costs associated with marijuana possession related arrests and incarcerations.

It’s funny, because I don’t heare Chu complaining about all of the health, criminal justice and lost productivity costs associated with alcohol and tobacco use. Yet, in San Francisco and Chu’s district, bars and liquor stores flourish. There is clear evidence of the medicinal value of cannabis and clear evidence of the exorbitant costs associated with alcohol and tobacco use, yet many of our public officials refuse to develop a policy to address the public's concerns.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

There are Benefits to Drinking Water!

Drink up! It’s good for you…

Although you won’t be able to find much in the way of scientific studies having been conducted to determine the health benefits of drinking water (1. Nephrol) , you will find much literature that promotes increased levels of hydration, for various reasons.  Most importantly, dehydration can have serious and even fatal effects and should be avoided when possible.  Alternative Rx Solutions understands the importance of water to a healthy human diet.  If you experiment with increased levels of water intake for just two weeks you will begin to notice those benefits as well. 

Alternative Rx Solutions founder Aaron Chandler experimented with his water intake for two weeks, and found when he increased his water intake to the 64 ounces or more a day, he experienced increased energy levels, improved appetite, less back pain, and improved concentration.     

Many people inadvertently suffer from mild dehydration (2. Martin) .  Although we get water from the foods and beverages we intake, our body can use much, much more.  Our bodies are made up of roughly 60-70% water and it is essential for homeostasis and balancing the bodies internal systems to support functioning. 

Alternative Rx Solutions members can benefit greatly from increased intake of water.  Cottonmouth is very familiar to those that use medical marijuana.  It is a sure sign of dehydration.  If you get cottonmouth, be sure to immediately wet your whistle with water.  Even though the 8 glasses of 8 ounces of water cannot be substantiated by scientific evidence, we at Alternative Rx Solutions think it’s a good idea anyway!  

 (1) taken from Published ahead of print on April 2, 2008, J Am Soc Nephrol 19: 1041-1043, 2008
 (2) taken from March 25, 2010.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Can We Trust Obama’s Drug Czar

The Christian Science Monitor recently reported that Obama’s drug czar, ONDCP Director R. Gil Kerlikowske’s speech delivered at the California Police Chiefs Association Conference, “…help[s] clear up confusion over White House drug policy, and can serve as talking points for parents and officials.”  Further stating that it is “…his most thorough [argument] yet against marijuana legalization.”  In his speech, titled Why Marijuana Legalization Would Compromise Public Health and Public Safety, March 4, 2010, Kerlikowske explains why “…marijuana legalization – for any purpose – is a non-starter in the Obama Administration.” 

Kerlikowske first issues a disclosure regarding medical marijuana, stating “…science should determine what a medicine is, not popular vote.”  Clearly, he is unaware of US Patent 6630507– Cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants, based on research done by the National Institutes of Health and assigned to the US Department of Health and Human Services, awarded in 2003, which states that, “[C]annabinoids are found to have particular application as neuroprotectants, for example in limiting neurological damage following ischemic insults, such as stroke and trauma, or in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease and HIV dementia.” 

As a matter of fact, at the same time Kerlikowske was delivering his speech to the police chiefs of California, the USDA was issuing a federal contract to Subsidi-Farm, one of the nation’s largest agricultural companies, to produce a seedless, yellowish, irradiated pot.  It will be the only federally recognized legal marijuana that will be controlled and regulated by the government, provided to dispensaries, and enforced by USDA marijuana industry watchdogs that will be trained to recognize marijuana that was not grown by the government, which will then be confiscated.  But yet and still, Kerlikowske makes no mention of these developments in his speech.  Instead he claims that marijuana “…is associated with dependence, respiratory and mental illness, poor motor performance and cognitive impairment, among other negative effects.”   Now, although we are all aware of the health risks associated with inhaling any smoke into our lungs, especially on a consistent basis, Kerlikowske provides no “scientific” data to justify any claims that marijuana is associated with dependence, poor motor performance, cognitive impairment or any other negative effects.  In fact, you can’t help but question the credibility of his argument when the government in fact is attempting to produce marijuana and holds patents on cannibinoids. 

In his many arguments against legalization, Kerlikowske consistently points to prescription drugs, alcohol and tobacco related statistics to indicate that marijuana legalization will have the same associated costs from health care, lost productivity, and criminal justice, but again, provides no “scientific” evidence from which he draws his conclusions.  He fails to acknowledge the many scientific based research claims that clearly indicate marijuana, in all of its forms and uses, provides medical benefits.  And although he tries to discredit the California Board of Equalization estimates of $1.4 billion of potential revenue that could arise from legalization in California, for the past several years there has been a push for big pharmaceutical companies to develop and gain patents for cannabis based medicines.

Clearly, an obvious problem to legalization and regulation is the federal; state and local government’s ability to regulate something that we can all grow at home rather easily.  I am sure that is why they intend to produce a specific looking plant, produced and distributed by the government.  I am not quite sure how that makes me feel though.  Is it okay or is it not?  I get it…do as I say, not as I do.  I used to hate when my parents told me that! 

 (1) Paul Armentano, Director for the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, NORML. Published by Alternet. July 5, 2008. Big Pharma Is in a Frenzy to Bring Cannabis-Based Medicines to Market. Retrieved from March 24, 2010.

Alternative Rx Solutions- The Beginning

Alternative Rx Solutions was Founded in 2010 by Aaron Chandler, to facilitate the delivery of valuable medical and home care support services to low and moderate income San Francisco clients.  It is evident there are many dimensions to health and wellness, that include emotional, social, physical, spiritual and physiological health.  San Francisco has long pioneered and touted a holistic approach to delivery of healthcare although many supportive services have not been afforded to low income San Franciscans, and in fact, are continuing to be cut as the California State economy has yet to rebound.  In order to bridge this gap and help relieve the financial burdens associated with positive health outcomes, Alternative Rx Solutions has created a model that minimizes costs for medications and services for all of it’s members.

Many dispensaries claim to be alternative medicinal and therapeutic professionals but in fact offer no services other than marijuana for sale and sometimes a bong to use.  Indeed, there are a handful of dispensaries that provide minimal supportive services.  For instance, perhaps one day a week, they will have a masseuse in house for complimentary massages, or yoga lessons.

Clearly, a significant amount of medical marijuana patients suffer from chronic and fatal illnesses.  Our services support recovery from stroke, trauma, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease, HIV/AIDS, non-ambulatory disabilities, pain & stress management, and sleep & eating disorders.  Although dispensaries in fact provide a very valuable service to medical marijuana patients (it is absolutely necessary to have safe access points for patients), we believe they don’t go far enough.  Many of these dispensaries are bringing in a significant amount of revenue that is not being redirected into programs that benefit its collective base.
Along with free delivery of medical cannabis, Alternative Rx Solutions provides a range of home services to its members living with disabilities. As Alternative Rx Solutions staff and volunteers, we pride ourselves on helping members overcome overwhelming living conditions by offering every service from taking out the trash to holding member yoga sessions.

The programs and alternative health solutions offered by Alternative Rx Solutions illustrate our dedication and commitment to our members.  We are qualified patients, caregivers and volunteers that understand the importance of holistic, supportive, alternative medicines and therapies.  For further information about Alternative Rx Solutions, please visit our website at, and contact us directly from the website.